2024 AVN Inspiring Accountants Awards

AVN members are constantly doing amazing things that are worthy of winning an award.

But from past experience we know that…

a) you don’t always recognise this yourself and …

b) you don’t want to look as if you’re bragging.

So this year, we’re asking the Practice Growth Experts to nominate candidates for the awards. Their perspective on what you’ve achieved is invaluable, reminding you of things you hadn’t considered or had even forgotten about.

Talk to your PGE about the awards and then work together to craft your winning entry.

Here’s how it works…

AVN Awards deadline
AVN Most Inspiring Accountants Awards 2024


The 2024 AVN Most Inspiring Accountants Awards cover seven categories, based around the AVN Roadmaps.

The winner in each category will be eligible to win the overall award, Most Inspiring Accountant of the Year 2024.

In addition, the AVN team will select the winner of the Rising Star Award, for the practice that has made significant progress in 2024.

See right for guidance on entering each category. The judges will be looking for the firm that can best answer these questions.


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Have you defined clear goals for your practice and how you’re going to reach them?

How do you make sure that everyone on your team is working towards the same goals?

How have you adapted your practice to deal with changing circumstances?

Have you defined a meaningful brand for your practice that’s more than just ‘we’re accountants’?

Do you know who your ideal clients are?

Does every step of your customer journey convey the same message about your practice?

How do you ensure you are providing the services your clients really value?

Do you measure the impact you’ve had on their businesses?

Can you demonstrate the value you bring to your clients?

How have you gone above and beyond for your clients?

What sets your service levels apart from your competitors?

How do you get feedback and measure client happiness?

What systems do you have for ensuring everything in your practice gets done to a consistently high standard?

How have you used technology or outsourcing to improve productivity, efficiency and the client experience?

How effectively does your practice run when you aren’t there?

What do you do that others don’t to raise your profile?

How do you effectively market your practice to new clients?

How do you make sure you are reaching your target market?

Have you defined a purpose or ‘why’ for your practice?

How do you help your clients (and your team) achieve their ambitions?

How does your practice ‘give back’ in a wider sense?